On holiday from the Degaba System, Yoda decided to drop in when he heard about the Australian delicacies I had brought over for Sharon. Of course he drank too much, tried to do some complicated Jedi combat move and face planted into the pool table. I certainly wasn't going to tell him to cool it....he is a Jedi Master after all.
Went to Golden Gate Park the next day and managed to see an Amazonian water lily that only blooms for two days every 15 years in flower....so that was lucky. The Hari Krishnas were at the park also and gave us free food which was great because I love Hari food and it was free!
The weather in the city is weird. Basically we spent the day in a cloud, misty and foggy and then we went back across the bay to where Sharon lives and it was sunny and mild again. Apparently SF spends most of summer in a cloud.

We went to Six Flags roller coaster park on Monday. Woo Hoo! It was a lot of fun and I have never ridden on so many roller coasters in my life. It wasn't very busy so the lines were mostly only about 5 or 10 minutes. We went on everything multiple times and by the end of the day were fairly dazed, a little bit queasy and with slightly sore throats from all the screaming and laughing.

After the bridge we rode to Saucelito and had very nice fish tacos (2 for $5 - Score!) and caught the ferry back to the other side of the bay to return the bikes. Saucelito is a very picturesque little coastal town of old wooden buildings and boats. Probably originally a fishing village, now filled with restaurants, shops and touristy things. Still really pretty and the fish tacos were excellent.
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